As part of its Green The Planet initiative, Origins celebrates the profound impact of trees on the lives of people with Rooted Voices — a new community-led, global campaign which recognizes the profound impact of trees on the lives of real people throughout the month of April.

As part of the month-long campaign, Origins will bring its Green The Planet initiative to life through a tree planting event in Oakland, California, with non-profit Planting Justice. The grassroots organization is led by frontline Black, Indigenous and Latino communities, with a mission to empower individuals impacted by mass incarceration and social inequities with the skills and resources needed to cultivate food sovereignty, economic justice and community healing. Origins has recently expanded the focus of Green the Planet to support the work of environmental justice organizations globally, accelerating urban forestry initiatives across the U.S. and expanding city project planting efforts throughout the world. The partnership with Planting Justice is supported by Origins’ Green The Planet, in partnership with its global non-profit partner One Tree Planted.

“Origins is committed to championing people and our planet which is why inclusive, community-centered approaches to reforestation efforts are critical to help restore ecosystems and address climate change,” said Amber Garrison, Global Brand President, Origins. “Through Green The Planet, we are not only investing in critical urban forestry initiatives, but we’re also investing in the environmental welfare of local communities for the long term.”

Funding from Origins’ Green The Planet will support the planting of a total of 250 fruit, nut, and native trees at Planting Justice’s new Aquaponics Incubator Farm located in Oakland’s Sobrante Park, a neighborhood which has one of the lowest canopy percentages in the entire County. Feedback and community surveys garnered from the neighborhood’s residents revealed a strong desire for more neighborhood tree cover and increased access to local and organic produce. Planting Justice’s cumulative work planting on 5-acres in Sobrante Park represents the largest investment in the creation of local green jobs and sustainable agriculture careers in the City of Oakland. Origins planting efforts will support one of the ways Planting Justice is expanding its impact and creating access to local jobs and livelihoods.

“Volunteer events create the understanding that the community itself has the power to change its living conditions, especially for those who have historically lacked access to trees, land and resources,” said Gavin Raders, Co-Founder, Planting Justice. “When youth and residents plant trees in their own homes and in their own communities, and with the support of volunteers, they not only bring more health and wellness to their families and neighbors, but they are forever connected to the land.”

Planting alongside Planting Justice staff, many of whom are formerly incarcerated, long-term Sobrante Park residents, Origins volunteers will help plant the first trees at the Aquaponics site. Once fully matured, the variety of fruit trees planted at the Aquaponics Incubator Farm will supply the East Oakland community with locally appropriate, nutrient dense, fresh and local produce. Additionally, the urban forest will provide a diverse array of benefits such as providing residents propagation material for rare, heirloom and climate-resilient tree crops and the creation of beauty and shade in an area that currently lacks green spaces.

Throughout the month, Origins will celebrate the profound impact of trees on the lives of real people through their global brand campaign, Rooted Voices.

Follow the campaign on Origins’ Instagram and TikTok and share your #RootedVoices story on social for anchance to have a tree planted in your name.


Meredith Schott
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