NYSCC Suppliers’ Day: Beauty’s Top Source for New Ingredients, Formulations, Education & Networking

The 39th Annual NYSCC Suppliers’ Day will be the anchor of “Beauty Week NYC”
that will bring the entire industry together and provide unparalleled innovations
and opportunities for the beauty and personal care industry.
With the overarching theme–The Art & Science of Formulation– Suppliers’ Day
is poised to offer the most innovative solutions currently available across the
globe. From May 15-16, 2018 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New
York, Suppliers’ Day will feature more than 50 individual conference sessions
and curated educational programs, and 450+ exhibitors with attendees
representing 60+ countries. Specialty areas on the show floor include the Future
Chemists Workshop, the Presentation Theater, as well as a French Pavilion
housing 12 suppliers.
Top Association Partnerships
The leading event for the industry by the industry, NYSCC Suppliers’ Day has
also partnered with leading professional associations to expand its marketing
reach and to add depth to its technical and regulatory educational offerings. New
association partnerships include:
IFSCC (International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists) will have its
Vice President, Jeurgen Laderman, a world-renowned chemist featured in the
The World of Chemistry: A Global Perspective forum taking place on May 15th in
the Presentation Theater. IFSCC is also promoting Suppliers’ Day through its 48 societies around the globe and its 16,000 IFSCC members from more then 74 countries.
PCPC (Personal Care Products Council) will expand the events’ reach to its
member companies that manufacture, distribute, and supply the vast majority of
personal care products marketed in the U.S. PCPC will also lead a session in
the Presentation Theater.
CEW (Cosmetic Executive Women), the pre-eminent beauty organization with
more then 9,000 global members, has launched the Innovation of the Year
Award, a new formulations category to recognize formulators and suppliers, as
part of its prestigious Beauty Awards program. NYSCC member, Mohamed
Omer, R&D Manager, Revlon is on the judging committee. The finalists of the
Innovation Award including BASF Corp., Biomod, Clariant, Geltor, Inc., Green
Mountain Biotech, , and Stepan, will be invited to present at a special session
during Suppliers’ Day moderated by PeclersParis.
In addition as part of Beauty Week NYC the winners of all the CEW Beauty
Awards categories will be announced on Friday, May 18 th , at the CEW Beauty
Awards luncheon at the Hilton Midtown.
Top Pre-Show Education
NYSCC Suppliers’ Day has created a learning event that is unmatched in the
beauty and personal care industry and will offer attendees the most
comprehensive information on issues and trends that are driving product
development and consumer purchasing.
Taking place the day before Suppliers’ Day opens, May 14 th , the National SCC
(Society of Cosmetic Chemists) will present three Continuing Education Program
(CEP) courses on:
Fundamentals of Using Colorants in Cosmetics and Personal Care
Products, by instructor Kelly A. Dobos, Vice President, SCC and Technical
Manager at Sun Chemical Corporation. She will provide an in-depth course on
the art and science of incorporating color in cosmetic and personal care
products. What seems like a simple and fun exercise in pigment blending is
reliant on a complex set of decisions including the regulatory environment, cost,
and stability as well as physical and chemical properties of each colorant. Numerous topics including color theory, and color quality control will also be covered in this day-long course.
Scale Up and Processing Cosmetic Formulations with instructor, David
Yacko, former Vice President Research and Development at Estee Lauder
Companies, Inc., will provide an introduction to Scaling Up, the process of getting
new products from the bench to manufacturing as quickly as possible. The one-
day course will also discuss the different aspects of scale up: heat transfer,
addition rates and energy input as it pertains to batch size and the different
cosmetic processing equipment.
Speaking the Language: Basics in Scientific Terminology for the Cosmetics
Industry presented by Nava Dayan Ph.D., owner of consulting agency, Dr. Nava
Dayan L.L.C. This CEP course is aimed at providing key fundamental
knowledge in layman language to scientific terms used in the industry. Dr. Dayan
will cover definition of key words, skin structure and function, major cells and
components, structure of genes, meaning of expression, definition and role of
cytokines, enzymes and receptors. A special focus will be provided to skin aging
as well as utilization of “omics” technologies (such as genomics, proteomics,
lipidomics) and to the skin microbiome.
Suppliers’ Day Show Floor Education & Specialty Add-On Programs
During Suppliers’ Day presentations and dedicated programs on topics and
trends at the forefront of formulation and product development will also be
offered to attendees.
The two-day Digital Age of Beauty returns as speed to market and engaging
the customer through authenticity and experiential marketing are vital to product
and brand success. Day one, May 15th will feature technology leaders such as,
Konica Minolta, SpecialChem, and Ithos providing cutting edge digital solutions
that expedite products to market including sessions on digitization, big data, 3D
printing color matching.
Day two, May 16 th , sponsored by GCI Magazine, Digital Age of Beauty will
focus on e-marketing solutions that engage consumers and influences
purchasing. Topics being discussed by presenters from MSLK, Mintel, Evonik,
and more include personalization and customization, new beauty apps, e-
commerce and reaching the omni-channel consumer.
With a new title and an expanded forum, the global track for 2018 is “The World
of Chemistry: A Global Perspective,” hosted by Personal Care Magazine.
The one-day forum in the Presentation Theater will include talks from leading
experts from countries and regions that define the beauty landscape including:
Amy Wyatt, CHANEL, Inc. delivers the welcoming presentation and also will
speak on “Innovating for the Luxury Market”
Jürgen Laderman, of the IFSCC delivers “Penetration Strategies for Drugs in and
Through the Skin;”
Dr. Fred Zülli, from Mibelle Biochemistry in Switzerland, discusses “Cell Nucleus
Health: A Novel Anti-Aging Concept
Dr. Liki von Oppen-Bezalel, IBR in Israel will speak on “Urban and Environmental
Pollution – What, Where and How to Protect;”
John Lofthouse, CLR-Berlin in Germany presents “The Challenge of Evaluating
and Marketing Cosmetic Actives for a Global Market;”
João Hansen, Formerly Avon Executive & Current President – ABC Consultee
Counsel in Brazil discusses “The Impact of Brazil’s new Biodiversity Regulation
for Raw Ingredients on Manufacturers and Cosmetic Industries;”
World of Chemistry will conclude with a panel presentation on “Suppliers’ World
View ;” moderated by Richard Scott of Personal Care Magazine with
Expanscience, MLS, and Infinitec.
Suppliers’ Day will continue to amplify sustainability with lightning talks on green
cosmetics, organics, bio-based ingredients and safe testing in Discover
Sustainability, sponsored by UL. This will take place in the Presentation Theater
on the show floor and includes talks on:
‘Turning the World Green: How Biobased Ingredients Boost Sustainability;”
“Formulating Sustainable Products: Supplier Response to Retailer Chemical
Policies;” “Functional Biopolymer for Greener Formulations;” “Natural
Formulations that Perform: Glycolipids;” “The New Natural: Building Better Bio-
based Ingredients;” “Rediscover Exciting Formulations Using Natural Surfactant
& Emulsifier Ingredients;” and “New Non-Animal Test Approaches for Developing
Safe & Sustainable Cosmetic Ingredient.” Company experts from Croda, Cosun
Biobased Products, Evonik Nutrition & Care, Genomatica, Purak Biochem
bv/Corbion, and UL Product Supply Chain Intelligence will be presenting.
The Future Chemists Workshop also returns to Suppliers’ Day providing an
interactive learning environment and challenge for university students and
leaders of tomorrow to design formulations that promote key industry trends
including sustainability. There will be two sessions lead by industry leaders or
“Team Captains.” The morning session focusing on Skin Care Emulsions will be
lead by Yelena Zolotarsky; in the afternoon session, the student captain will be
Dr. Elizabeth Kaufman,PhD, for Rheology Properties. Selected students from
NY area schools such as Rutgers University, Fashion Institute of Technology,
Seton Hall University, Montclair State University, Fairleigh Dickinson
University, Kean University, and Long Island University are already scheduled to
participate. NYSCC has also invited sister chapters to sponsor students –
students from the southeast, mid-west – and as far as California have been
interviewed and many have committed.
NYSCC has also joined forces with PeclersParis, a leading global trend
forecaster, to produce an exclusive newsletter, CosmeTrends: Formulating the
Future of Beauty that provides advanced content on forward-looking trends that
will impact future cosmetic innovations and new product developments.
PeclersParis will also curate a breakfast presentation on Where Culture Meets
Science: Forecasting Consumer Needs that will Fuel Beauty Innovation on
May 16 th . Presented by Emma Fric, Global Head of Research & Foresight, this
special session will explore everything from Gen Z’s positive pragmatism to the
revival of 90’s creative boldness with a selection of the latest visionary socio-
cultural and beauty trends that are fast tracking innovation.
The HAPPI Anti-Aging Conference is co-located with Suppliers’ Day this year
and gives formulators and suppliers an excellent opportunity to interact and
discuss all things related to the multibillion dollar anti-aging product category.
HAPPI’S Anti-Aging Conference covers breakthrough technology, novel raw
materials, regulatory activity and market research involving this multibillion-dollar
industry and features top medical, regulatory and business experts from Procter
& Gamble, Mintel as well as world-renowned dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad.
The ICMAD FDA Cosmetics Regulations Workshop will take place at
PeclersParis NYC office on Thursday, May 17th, the day after Suppliers’ Day.
The workshop will provide cosmetic and personal care industry professionals
with necessary regulatory and safety updates. Government representatives,
industry experts and ICMAD officials will inform attendees about sector updates
and current issues including expert assessments on the latest issues that have
captured the attention of consumers, regulators, and the industry.
Top Source for Global Ingredients & Resources
NYSCC’s most important partnership is with the suppliers. The easy to navigate
Suppliers’ Day exhibit floor will be filled with high-performing ingredients, new
innovations and efficient solutions for product development needs and
company’s success. “Cosmetic Raws” a new searchable database designed by
NYSCC will enhance engagement and interaction with suppliers and buyers
before the doors of the show open.
Right adjacent to the sold-out Suppliers Day exhibit floor featuring more then 450
suppliers, French Pavilion, and specialty areas showcasing the art & science of
formulation, will be the Presentation Theater. This hub for industry
education houses Suppliers’ Day’s complimentary programs including Discover
Sustainability and The World of Chemistry, Presentations from industry partners
including Cosmetics & Toiletries, ICMAD, and PCPC will also be showcased in
the afternoons along with select interactive exhibitor talks from AIC, Austrade, Coptis, Evonik, Innospec, SGS, and Silab. Check the NYSCC website as well as the on-site show directory for the complete Presentation Theater schedule.
Top Special Events Not to Be Missed!
Begin the Suppliers’ Day experience at the ceremonial Ribbon Cutting taking
place on May 15 th at 9:00 am. Join leaders in the art, science and business of
beauty along with NYSCC Board Members, industry partners, museum directors,
and special guests as “Beauty Week NYC,” officially kicks-off.
Everyone is invited to celebrate this year’s winners of awards for “Innovations In
The Art & Science Of Formulation” at the NYSCC Awards Night Party on May
15 th . Attendees at the show on the first day will have the opportunity to vote for
the finalists selected by the NYSCC Scientific Advisory Board. Returning to
Manhattan’s Stage 48, this masquerade ball themed celebration will be a great
way to relax, have fun and make new business connections with cosmetic
industry peers. For ticket information visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nyscc-
awards-night- art-and- science-of- formulation-tickets- 43575819449#tickets
Join the Conversation & Register Now to Attend
Participation in Suppliers’ Day educational programs coupled with planned, show
floor participation will provide the most comprehensive view of the industry from
bench to market. Join the NYSCC and Suppliers’ Day communities on
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Use the hashtag: #SuppliersDayNY to join
the conversation.
Register online today to attend Suppliers’ Day at www.nyscc.org/suppliers-day
and for complete details on all that is happening at Beauty Week NYC!