Fragrance Creators Appeals to Officials to Protect Ongoing Manufacture of Fragrance

The Fragrance Creators Association has urged federal officials—including members of the Congressional Fragrance Caucus—and state and local elected officials to exempt fragrance manufacturing facilities from any mandated closures or restrictions that would negatively impact operations in order to promote public health.
The letter asks federal and state governments to act expeditiously to coordinate a unified, well-defined public framework that recognizes businesses in the fragrance manufacturing supply chain—and their employees, while healthy—should be exempted from mandated closures or gathering and curfew bans as they take effect across the country.
Fragrance is a critical formulation input into cleaning and sanitizing products. In addition to imparting scents that encourage proper use, fragrance technologies also work to mask unpleasant odors that could discourage use.
“The association is focused on driving awareness that fragrance is a critical component of cleaning and sanitizing formulations,” said Farah Ahmed, President & CEO, Fragrance Creators. “We stand together with federal, state, and local governments in the desire to meet this challenge, and are committed to ensuring that Americans continue to have access to essential health products that protect against the spread of COVID-19.”
In response to the global pandemic, the fragrance industry—which contributes $22.4 billion to the U.S. economy and is a strong driver of well-paying jobs—is adapting production schedules and working tirelessly to help ensure fragrances for safe and effective cleaning and sanitizing products are available for use by individuals and in homes, hospitals, food processing plants, and more.
“The fragrance industry has come together in an unprecedented way to meet the fragrance supply needs of the cleaning and sanitizing industry,” said Robert Weinstein, PhD, President & CEO, Robertet USA and Chairman, Fragrance Creators Board of Directors. “In the face of this public health crisis, the fragrance industry stands united in our commitment to decisive action and ongoing collaboration.”
Fragrance Creators is continuing to proactively engage at all levels to support the need for increased manufacture of essential cleaning and sanitizing products during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In a letter to members issued this week, Ahmed outlined the association’s COVID-19 preparedness plan, designed to protect the health of its staff and members and to reduce undue strain on the health system.